Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Maharaj-ji can be found on the Web through the following United States URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) listed below:
While dot-com is used as the resident address, this Web site is NOT Commercial.
2- Will Maharaj-ji's Web site provide outgoing links to other Web sites?
Not really. is a "destination point" Web site. Once you have reached here..., you've reached "here". Email addresses (if any) for Maharaj-ji's ashram are listed on that ashrams page.
Of Maharaj-ji's ashrams only Taos and Lucknow has their own Web sites, at this time. Taos Neem Karoli Baba Taos Ashram has a sacred objects store at Puja Dukan. Items on this site that can be obtained from the Puja Dukan Sacred Objects Store display this symbol:
Because of Maharaj-ji's insistence that we Feed Everyone, a link is provided to The Hunger Site. where you can contribute food with an on-screen click.
3- Who is the site administrator of
This site is administered "anonymously". by a devotee of Sri Neem Karoli Baba. The administrator uses the email pseudonym 'gurubhai". "Anonymously doesn't mean "secretly". Gurubhai's name is known, but not on Maharaj-ji's Web site.
4- How can I go about getting a letter of introduction to Maharaj-ji's ashram's in India?
There is no one way to Maharaj-ji's ashrams. The principal reason that you would want a letter of introduction is so the people who run the ashrams in India know that you are aware of the etiquette, customs, and practices within these ashrams, if you wanted to actually stay withn the walls of the ashram at night. At this time there is no official answer to this question. It is all the lila of Maharaj-ji.
Perhaps you might check with some of the ashram managers and people mentioned on this Web site. Each ashram varies to some degree in the acceptance of Maharaj-ji's Western Devotees staying at the ashrams and under what conditions. Some of Maharaj-ji's ashram's are more open than others. Westerners aren't permitted to stay in several of the ashrams. All of the ashrams are to some extent "seasonal" for Maharaj-ji's westerner devotees. Some of Maharaj-ji's ashrams become very cold in winter and actually close the doors to visitors; even shutting the doors to the temples during such time. Some of the ashrams become very hot. Some of the ashrams have very strict rules while some seem to give more latitude to Western devotees.
Ashrams are not for sightseeing and sightseers. Ashrams are not hotels. There is a different purpose to ashrams. In general, one would want to stay at an ashram for darshan of Maharaj-ji or another saint, practice such as arati, practical service to the ashram, austerities, and to remove oneself from the world to re-center and "re-charge one's batteries", so to speak. There are people who have spent some time in some of these ashrams in both the recent and distant past. These people will help you get there, with letters or whatever, if you really want to go there.
If you came to Maharaj-ji with an objective, He would not accept you. But if you were innocent and open and loving, He took you right in. - Gurudat Sharma
5- Can this site furnish me with emailed information about daily activities and schedules at Maharaj-ji's ashrams in India and America?
No. The information contained on the Web pages for the ashrams is the best information currently available globally. While presents information on Maharaj-ji's Ashrams and Temples in America and India, the most important part of is Sri Neem Karoli Baba Himself. Follow the information given within Maharaj-ji's Web site.
6- Does Maharaj-ji's Web site have a mailing list?
Yes. We mail by email and not by snail mail. If you have sent an email to, then you're name will be added to Maharaj-ji's Web site mailing list. There are no particular plans to do any mailings, because the material is here on the site. However, we might alert devotees to major updates to the site or something. If we mail you something you don't want, and want to be removed from the list, then just reply with the word "remove."
7- I sent an email to this site, but nobody ever replied to me. Why?
It's About What's On The Site. This site is not about email interactivity. This site is about interconnectivity. Maharaj-ji's Web site supplies the information and Maharaj-ji's ashrams and temples care for the needs of the people with feeding and puja and singing. Some individual questions receive individual replies. These usually have to do with submission requests for photos, stories, or other materials about Sri Neem Karoli Baba.
8- Why is the pronoun "He" capitalized when referring to Sri Maharaj-ji?
This is because the publisher and administrator of Maharaj-ji's Web site believes it is appropriate to capitalize this pronoun in reference to Maharaj-ji.
9- Why are the downloadable photographs of Maharaj-ji so varied in size?
These images were gathered from a number of sources and scanned by different people. As the archive of Maharaj-ji's photographs grows at, we will be able to achieve more control of the presentation of these images. The images of Maharaj-ji available on this Web site are 72dpi and vary in size. In the future this site will offer high resolution scans, but only Maharaj-ji knows when. Images from Maharaj-ji's Web site and specifically the photographs of Maharaj-ji published herein may not be used in any commercial way whatsoever.
10- I have a story about the influence of Maharaj-ji's lilas in my life. Will Maharaj-ji's Web site post letters from people with past or current experiences?
One of Maharaj-ji's western devotees said, "Maharaj-ji's greatest miracle of all just might be the miracles He has been doing in peoples lives since He left His body." Therefore if enough material is submitted then there will, perhaps be a page for that, someday.
11- I can't see the movie of Maharaj-ji. I can't hear the sound file of Maharaj-ji speaking or chanting RAM RAM. I can't see the virtual reality. What is wrong? What can I do?
This site uses QuickTime 6. You can get this software by going to Apple Computers web site at Thank you for Apple, Maharaj-ji.
12- Is information posted on this site in the listing for each of Maharaj-ji's ashrams official?
No. Information about Neem Karoli Baba's Ashrams on each page is UN-official. The listed information is the best available information at the time. it was posted. Policies of Maharaj-ji's Ashrams are more or less determined locally and Maharaj-ji's global Web site can only reflect a broad overview of Maharaj-ji's Ashrams. Official information can be only be obtained directly from each of Maharaj-ji's Ashrams - via letter, telephone, or (in the case of Maharaj-ji's America Ashram in Taos, New Mexico) by eMail. The individual Ashram information pages on Maharaj-ji's global Web site can be viewed as simply a report by a devotee visiting Maharaj-ji's India Ashrams and Maharaj-ji's America Ashram. To be perfectly honest with you, this entire Web site could in one way be viewed as a "report." Site administrator and publisher, as well as friends, provides content to "devotees" of Maharaj-ji (in India, in America, and in many other countries) and those everywhere who love Maharaj-ji. Many persons devoted to Neem Karoli Baba do not visit Maharaj-ji's ashrams at all. They have their own relationship with Maharaj-ji. The hope of is to offer a repository for the archiving of all known materials relating to Sri Sri Sri Neem Karoli Baba Maharaj-ji. Maharaj-ji is still writing the story with His lilas and his appearances. This is not about photos, or ashrams, or even practise..., it is about Maharaj-ji..., only Maharaj-ji. We'll be gone..., Maharaj-ji remains.
13 - Will Maharaj-ji's Web site email information to me about Maharaj-ji or Maharaj-ji's Ashrams?
No. All information currently available is posted on Maharaj-ji's Web site and can be easily downloaded using standard browser downloading techniques.
14 - I wish to make a contribution to one of Maharaj-ji's ashrams in India or America or to How can I do that?
Go to the Contributions page of On this page you will find information on where to mail contributions to Maharaj-ji's ashram's in India. Neem Karoli Baba Ashram in Taos has an online donation page and operates an online store for fundraising purposes. You can make an online contribution to the work of on the Contributions page. neemkarolibaba,com does not sell commercial items of Maharaj-ji (such as books, CD/DVDs, photographs, malas) for fundraising purposes. Work by the webmaster of is done as a duty to Maharaj-ji and is not personally paid for such seva.
15 -When was started? When was the last upgrade?
Materials at were first published on the Web in July, 1999. The original site was published in very simple form on a site in 1997. Mata-ji said that the materials on this site must come from the source. We went to India from August 1998 to May 1999, then returned to India in 2001 and 2003. Materials were added to since 1999 - including video and audio of Maharaj-ji, many more photographs, additional stories and books. Many people came in America and brought materials or stories. A major upgrade was done on through early 2004. This included switching from the old "frames" based site, new left-side navigation menu, individual galleries now open in new window for slide show, improved linking to Maharaj-ji's Taos ashram for Puja Dukan items and quite a bit of smoothing & polishing. Version 2 posted Hanuman Jayanti time, 2004. This site continues to be updated, polished, corrected, formated, adjusted, and added to, here and there, bit by bit.
Yours in Guru kripa.