namamirsa misana-nirvanarupam
vibhum vyapakam brahma-veda-svarupam
nijam nirgunam nirvikalpam niriham
cidakasa makasa-vasam bhaje ham
nirakara monkara-mulam turiyam
girananagotita misam girisam
karalam maha-kala-kalam krpalam
gunagara samsara param nato ham
Sri Rudrastakam
Sri Rudrastakam English
Eshan! I reverence the liberated, competent, Omnipresent, Brahm manifestation of the Vedas in Form, Ever-dwelling in His Own Form, attributeless, Unique, Desireless, Fount of the Limitless Knowledge and like the sky pervading everywhere, Lord!
He who is Formless, like the sacred syllable Om-the root cause of the Creation, tureeya, beyond the approach of the voice, wisdom and the senses; Master of Kailash; veritable Nemesis for the evil-doers but kind-hearted to the devotees and the noble; the Time of times; the mine of tall virtue and redeemer from the mundane existence -I bow to the supreme Lord!
He who is Formless, like the sacred syllable Om-the root cause of the Creation, tureeya, beyond the approach of the voice, wisdom and the senses; Master of Kailash; veritable Nemesis for the evil-doers but kind-hearted to the devotees and the noble; the Time of times; the mine of tall virtue and redeemer from the mundane existence -I bow to the supreme Lord!