"In His fancy, a young 'yogi' carrying a chimta (a pair of tongs) and a 'kamandal' in his hand boarded a first class compartment of the Tundla bound train at Farrukhadab station. The train had gone a few miles when an Anglo Indian, T. T. E. came to check tickets and was taken aback to see a half-naked sadhu in the first class compartment. On demanding the ticket and getting a negative reply, he lost his temper and ungraciously compelled the sadhu to get down at the next Neebkarori halt.
The sadhu quietly sat under the tree and dug the pair of tongs in the earth. The train got the green light signal to leave. The engine was started, but the train did not move further. The steam was applied with full force, but the wheels turned round and round at their place. The engine was checked throughly and everything was found in order.
Being worried the European guard came to the driver and asked him what the matter was. The driver could not point out any fault. Nothing was found. Despite all efforts the engine would not budge. By now it was time for some other trains to pass by on that track.