In honor of Baba Neem Karoli Maharajji and his devoted servant Jai Ram Ransom we celebrate this website, which has been online for 20 years. Day after day and year after year, Jai Ram persevered when others might give up. Through hacks, crashes, and rebuilds he weathered it all. He was fastidious about insuring Maharajji’s website maintained the newest technology and the information remained accurate. This was his sadhna.
The recent downtime “Is Maharajji’s lila,” as Jai Ram would say. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the name, had to change to It is important to continue the seva begun by Jai Ram in 1999. Maharajji and his satsang can still celebrate Jai Ram’s legacy of love and devotion.Jai Sita Ram,
Guru Bhai
(July 2019)
Currently is accepting the following submissions:
1. Photos, historic & current info and stories about any of the Temples & Ashrams.
2. Proposals for any additional locations to be added to the existing list of Temples & Ashrams. Please include photos and as much detailed info about the temple/ashram as possible.
3. Personal stories about Maharajji, such as dreams and recent experiences.
To contact the current webmaster, please send an email to:
Please note that we do not accept donations at this time. Also, it is not possible to email us with ashram reservation requests. Please contact each individual ashram.
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