He Is Always Here On Earth
If you even partially believe the stories of Neem Karoli Baba, you will come to realize that Maharajji is as alive now
as He ever was. The being described in the stories of Maharajji is not capable of dying. He is always here on Earth, in one body or another. Maharajji is "spirit".
It was told to me some years ago, that Maharajji has been on Earth over 2,000 years. He simply "leaves His body" when it gets old, then gets a new one.
Maharajji once said, "The body has to finish." Usha Bahadur narrated that shortly before Maharajji left His body, he said to Usha, "Soon I will get a new body. This body has become very old." Usha laughed. She said that it never occurred to her that Maharajji would actually leave the body.
Just because you cannot "see" Maharajji does not mean He is not there. For those to whom Maharajji is the Guru, He is always felt. Once He has gotten hold of you He is always there with you.
If at any time you do not feel Him, then simply get quiet, calm your mind, cease activities, pull yourself out of the illusion of your day and open to feeling Him there with you, and you will come to realize that He is there.
Maharajji was not simply a person. Maharajji is "a force", an Immortal Force of Love and Good. Maharajji is the greatest enigma of human kind. It seems He manifests in different bodies or indeed the same body in various eras. He was also caught many times being in several places at the same time. I once stood on the second floor in the back of Maharajji's Vrindavan Ashram with Kabir Das and Shivaya Baba. They laughed and said, "It is so strange that they built a mahasamadhi temple, on the spot where Maharajji's last known body was cremated, when there is ample proof that Maharajji had several bodies"
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