Ram Ram in the Magazine
The OECD report was received by Dada in the month of August. As a matter of principle whenever the Books and magazines would come to Dada he would first go through them completely, would keep them away from his table and then after a day or two he used to put them in Almirah. It was his permanent habit.
It was beyond our pocket in those days to employ full time servant separately for cleaning the table, room and do other household works. My mother in law used to cook lunch while Mashima would prepare dinner for the small family. Dada’s younger brother and one sister’s son (Vibhuti) also used to live along with us. I used to welcome guests and serve them breakfast and sweep the whole house. Generally all this was one and half hours job. My mother in law and maternal aunt were suffering from prolonged fever. I had to continue my Govt. job as Vice Principal of the Training College, so I had to reach the college exactly at 10.00 A.M. In this particular situation we employed one Nepali lady who used to come to our house daily, prepare meals and then go. This made me slightly carefree and then I used to go to my college.
I was quite perturbed those days due to the illness of my mother-in-law and Maternal aunt. One day I went to Dada’s room and started cleaning each and every book individually so that Dada could carry on his studies after taking bath and tea. I always disliked to clean and dust the room in Dada’s presence so I would find time to do all these types of works even before Dada got up in the morning. After cleaning the books I was dusting some magazines. I saw some Zig-Zag writings on the cover pages. When I observed it minutely I was struck with wonder as these were not only zig-zag words but ‘Ram Ram’ in Baba’s handwriting. The same thing was repeated on the cover page at back of the magazine. My suspense knew no limits. Being very anxious I opened the other pages of the magazine and to my great surprise I found that from right to left and left to right ‘Ram Ram’ is written with dark blue ink. I became spell bound and started looking all around me. Dada had already taken his bath by now. When he came and saw he remarked how wonderful it is! He said “he had come in this room just before a minute or so and there was nothing of this type. It has been written just now.” Then it was visualised by all the members of the family.
While performing my household duties sometimes I felt quite nervous and anxious. And whenever my mind used to get perturbed, I used to express my problems before Baba’s photograph and request him to solve. He would solve all problems of mine how so ever intricate they might be. All problems used to vanish automatically and my mind became very peaceful calm. Then I used to surrender every thing to Almighty.
So by writing ‘Ram Ram’ in the books and magazines he made us realise his presence and gave us confidence so that I may be able to work with double vigour and strength.
While Baba Ji came next we told about his writing. In his style of expression he said in most ordinary ways “My mother was remembering me by heart.”
24th Sept. 1961