It All Abides in Love frontcover 160wIt All Abides in Love
"Perfect for any intermediate-advanced followers of Neem Karoli Baba. It puts a lot of the advanced teaching bluntly and for those who can understand it, that is amazing! I like that it does give it's own guidance on some of the teaching. A lot of book[s] are only stories and leave you to make your own conclusions. This book gives you conclusions that are beyond the material."

There is No Limit to Such Things

It's All About You.  Everything about Maharajji is to get you in touch with you, to show you who you really are, to bring you into being your greater self; your greater You. That greater You is fundamentally Maharajji. Maharajji would not have even appeared in form if not for the devotees, for His children. He was not here for anything but us – particularly You. It may have appeared that he was here “for Himself” because we can apparently trace Him in time, like a normal person, but that is not the case.

Maharajji (Atma) and You (Jivatma) are doing what you are doing together in a way only known to you. Either you are spiritually evolving or you are not. Some can fudge the results to make them look good to receive favor from other humans but it will be limited. You can only surrender to Maharajji and let the rest of it play out.

Temples Are for Everyone

Maharajji was here to help the downtrodden.

“Once Babaji went to Hanuman temple, Lucknow by Kehar Singh's car. Umadatta Shukla also was with them. Babaji went into the temple and facing Hanumanji sat by the fence on the road-side.

The driver also desired to have Hanumanji's darshan. Therefore, he locked the car and went into the temple by the bridge at the side of the road. When Shuklaji saw him he came running and met him half-way on the bridge and jostled him out.

The Supreme Being' Babaji, though He had His back towards them saw all this. He came running and set the driver free with such force that Umadatta could not bear the push and fell on one side.

Sacrosanct Tradition

Tradition is an absolute must in Maharajji's ashrams and temples. New ideas are not needed. Yes, there are situations that appear to require minor adjustments, but really these are just all under the umbrella of what Maharajji demonstrated to us all. The organization IS Maharajji, our unseen, always felt, always-in-control Guru. As in the temples within the ashrams, the practice, the songs sung and chants done and aarti performed are of a certain type to ensure the vibration of the ashram is as Maharajji demanded.

So too the operation of the daily life of the ashram is covered by the very simple traditions established by Maharajji. This was demonstrated over the course of many years as to the means of feeding large groups, as well as handling, identifying, and jaoing antisocial elements who might pollute the atmosphere and intention of the ashram.

Maharajji Causes Devotees to Meet in Delhi

In January 2001, I had been staying in Vrindavan for some weeks and traveling daily to Maharajji’s birthplace, Akbarpur, bringing along the pandit for the ceremonies and an 18 year old woman from Taos named Parvati (Jillian). I had been shooting the function for a video that was later posted online. We were the only Westerners there among about fifty thousand Indians yet we felt profound bliss amidst the throng. The following week, Parvati needed to go to Delhi but was unfamiliar with that city, so I brought her there to make some arrangements for traveling back to America some weeks later.

Parvati had been in India for many months. As a reminder that the West even existed, I took her to the Western style restaurant named Nirula’s that was on the outer circle of Connaught Place near the Palace Heights hotel, a place once used extensively by Maharajji’s satsang.

Seva: Work is Worship

Seva is a Sanskrit word for selfless service which is performed without any expectation of result or award for the person performing it. The idea of selfless service (seva also sewa) is an important concept in most Indian religions and yogic traditions.

Because God is perceived as having a relationship with others, as well as oneself, serving other people is considered an essential devotional practice of indirectly serving God. Service to make life easier for others. It is one of central tenets of Sikhism. "Living creatures are nourished by food, and food is nourished by rain; rain itself is the water of life, which comes from selfless worship and service." - Bhagavad Gita, 3.14.

Selfless service is also important in Christianity. Jesus often preached it and both Peter and Paul, respectively, wrote about it.