There is No Limit to Such Things
It's All About You. Everything about Maharajji is to get you in touch with you, to show you who you really are, to bring you into being
your greater self; your greater You. That greater You is fundamentally Maharajji. Maharajji would not have even appeared in form if not for the devotees, for His children. He was not here for anything but us – particularly You. It may have appeared
that he was here “for Himself” because we can apparently trace Him in time, like a normal person, but that is not the case.
Maharajji (Atma) and You (Jivatma) are doing what you are doing together in a way only known to you. Either you are spiritually evolving or you are not. Some can fudge the results to make them look good to receive favor from other humans but it will be limited. You can only surrender to Maharajji and let the rest of it play out.